Tdc looking for Chair for the working party
TDC has put out the following public notice calling for invitations for a chair person for the Mapua Waterfron Area Working group that has been estabished to oversee the implemetation of the Plan (click here to have a look see at the 6 major elements of the master plan or at the info graphic below)
Chairperson of the Māpua Waterfront Area Working Group
As members of the Māpua and Te Mamaku / Ruby Bay community we are passionate to support the vibrancy of our Māpua Wharf Area. In 2017 the TDC adopted the Māpua Waterfront Area Masterplan, and in July a Working Group made up of local community organisation representatives, iwi, and the TDC was established to oversee the implementation of the plan.
We are now looking for a local resident who is not currently aligned to community interest groups / organisations to Chair the Working Group. The attributes we are seeking include:

– Strong relationship management and facilitation skills
– A genuine interest in supporting the implementation of the Māpua Waterfront Area Masterplan as published by TDC
– A commitment to ensuring all voices in the community are heard
– A respect and appreciation for the unique history and cultural narrative of the Māpua area
This is a voluntary role with meetings occurring monthly. If this sounds like a role you would be interested in, please send an 1 page expression of interest outlining your skills and experience to: Michelle.Fraei@tasman.govt.nz. Expressions of interest will be reviewed by the working party in September.
Ehara taku toa i te toatakitahi, engari he toa takimano. My strength is not that of an individual, but that of the collective.