Make a playground inclusive for special needs kids
I found a Playgrounds inclusive of Special Needs Kids website that summaries a number of outdoor parks that were/are specifically designed and built to be “inclusive”.
The youtube clip (see below ) of an inclusive playground in Israel is a tear jerker and heart warmer at the same time…….but it also makes me want to do something like this in our waterfront park – make it inclusive . That would put Mapua on the map for a reason that everyone in the region and NZ would be proud of, Yes, we’d have to work hard at fund raising to do this – but for a project like this I’m sure we’d get a lot of help inside the Nelson Tasman region, and nationally.
Also, have a look and listen to a living example of a most beautiful foreshore park and inclusive playground at Kitsilano Beach in Vancouver .
The vibrancy of this public space , it’s coordination with cafe/restaurants , easy pedestrian and cycle access from the promenade , the iconic Vancouver landscape of mountains, sea, and foreshore….we can do likewise in Mapua.
In order to even begin to make this happen you need to ask TDC to support the option in the upcoming hearings. In fact, their Report on the development of Mapua’s waterfront makes some solid and well thought out recommendations – it’s not always that ratepayers interests are “aligned” with TDC staff and councillors, but this is one case where they have got it right! And they’ve made it easy-as to make a quick submission. Wander over to our submissions page for more information and resources. ALso, think about signing our petition – here before August 14 TDC submission deadline.
Click on the photo to go to the Youtube page

From the very small – e.g. back supports in swings for your children with spina bifida – to larger – wheel chair friendly surfaces and ramps for elevated adventure playgrounds . It’s all quite humbling and inspirational at the same time!
Tim thought about a basketball hoop in the recreational playground – why not. But then, why not make it so these guys can play too!!